Browsing: Old Testament

Was Nephi justified in beheading Laban? On the surface it seems that Nephi did something terrible, but in context of the crimes Laban had committed and the Law of Moses, we will see that justice was in fact done.

Do we really understand what the scriptures say about the nature of God? Did Joseph Smith’s teachings of God contradict the Book of Mormon, the very book he said he translated by the gift and power of God?

I’m a sucker for OOPARTs; (that’s short for “out of place artifacts”) archaeological artifacts that shouldn’t exist in a certain part of the world but do anyway. Most are frauds but there are a few that the jury seems to be still out on. The decalogue stone is one of these strange artifacts and I got to track it down and visit it.

To most living today the word ‘holocaust’ is not a very pleasant word. But like many words today that make up our vernacular, this word has very ancient origins that take us far beyond World War 2.

In her 2010 FAIR Conference presentation “The Two Trees”, Valerie Hudson discusses the relationship and differences between men and women in the gospel with insights into the two trees in the Garden of Eden.