We all have a vision of a perfect world, one without all of the bad things that we wish were not here.
Your neighbors don’t have the right opinions, the schools aren’t teaching the right things, people in your church seem blind to their errors, activist groups are destroying the nation, secret cabals are directing the fate of nations to their own wills, etc.
On and on.
Maybe all of these things are precisely true as we see them, maybe they are half-true, or maybe they are mostly false and the beam is in our own eye. This fallen world is not heaven and we would do well to remember that.
And we will prove them herewith…
Abraham 3:25
This life is a proving ground which means we are going to need to be tried against all perils no matter how big or small.
Seeing, experiencing, wrestling with these things is all part of why we are here. True, we could have heaven on earth if we all decided that we really wanted it. But remember that even the idea of doing the “earth” thing was rejected by one-third of us in the planning phase – ONE-THIRD even with God himself standing right there looking everyone in the eye!
Living in this state allows us to witness every single thing that keeps Zion from happening. Maybe there is a connection to what Thomas Edison allegedly said:
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
Thomas A. Edison
As we look out into this vast universe that we have yet to see the end of, we see the work of our divine father.
We are literally God’s children; we are the same species as God.
That should tell us about our potential and if we cannot change the world, we can change ourselves.
Jesus strolled casually in the middle of a storm upon the surface of a sea with surging waves and unrelenting winds around him. Throw in potentially thunder, lightning and the dark of night and there he was, a single figure standing in defiance of chaos.
Remembering why we are here can help us realize that we were called to walk in the midst chaos without being overcome by it.

Love these thoughts! By walking with the Savior, we can experience calm in the most difficult storms.
I have fallen many times in this rock road
Called life yet Jesus has always been here to pick me up and dust me off
The king is coming, the king is coming
Coming to get his bride
Well said.