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I’d like to give an internet high-five to the Church for this great page they put up for the youth called “Symbolism and Temple Preparation”. We do a great job of teaching “that the teaching in the temples is done in…

Two is probably one of the most amazing numbers when you consider all that it is connected to. This number is connected to some of the most important doctrines and principles like creation, opposition, witnesses and more!

I have been working off and on since Sept. 2015 with a particular way of analyzing Isaiah in the Book of Mormon using a couple of spreadsheets. Using this method, I discovered some patterns that reveal some impressive things about…

The following is a post created from a talk I gave in church this morning. There is an idea in thermodynamics that everything in the universe eventually moves from order to disorder. The Book of Mormon is a window into…


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone. – Pablo Picasso

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I’m excited to announce the official publication of a little temple-related project that I’ve been working on. It all began with this idea: “What would it look like if you reconstructed the temple experience purely from scripture alone?” As I…

Did you know that Moses had to veil his face around the Israelites? Read the account is taken from Exodus 34:29-35 CEV: Moses came down from Mount Sinai, carrying the Ten Commandments. His face was shining brightly because the Lord…

Every covenant we make with God involves an ordinance and every ordinance involves a ceremony. These ceremonies use symbols to illustrate what the promised blessings are. Some ceremonies are long, some are short, and some will be missed if you…

I came across this short video over at LeadingLDS.com that attributes a lack of desire for change to exhaustion rather than laziness in some cases. The guy makes a fairly reasonable argument, but I’m not quite sure that laziness and exhaustion…