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Wow, time got away from me; it’s been a while since my last post, but here I am at post number 700. I thought about doing something amazing for my 700th post so I waited a bit for some inspiration…

I was thinking about the whole grace/faith/works debate that seems to endlessly rage between the faiths. Now we all technically believe in salvation by grace, or in other words, salvation is impossible without grace through the atonement of Jesus Christ.…

Imagine going through life thinking that all is well concerning your relationship with God. You feel the Spirit, you may have seen miracles, your knowledge of God has grown over the years, as has your understanding of scripture. Surely all…


“do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again” – Luke 6:35

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A recent reply I shared on an online forum: Catholics are heavily immersed in ritual, so I think they “get” ritual more than most, or are at least more accustomed to it. Latter-day Saint Sabbath services and surroundings at church…

You’ve probably seen QR codes around and you may or may not know what they’re for, but God uses them, well, something like them to indicate that there are truths hidden in plain sight.

The veil was one of the core elements of the Hebrew temple. It was the dividing line between this world and the symbolic, or from time to time, literal presence of God. There are many meanings, doctrines, principles, types and…

What does it mean to “sustain” another? Most often we think of sustaining in terms of indicating our approval of an individual by an uplifted hand.