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Thanks to my friend Richard Nobbe for bringing this video to my attention. It’s a bit dated in many aspects but the information is very good, and I geek out on just about anything that has to do with symbolism.

“Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you–there is no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper;” (D&C 71:9) and perhaps this is might have something to do with why.

Of the seven Lectures on Faith, Lecture Sixth is perhaps my personal favorite. It is the only lecture that has this footnote: This lecture is so plain, and the facts set forth so self-evident, that it is deemed unnecessary to form a…


Belief and doubt speculate, while faith seeks to demonstrate.

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CLIMB, verb intransitive1. To creep up by little and little, or step by step; to mount or ascend, by means of the hands and feet; to rise on any fixed object, by seizing it with the hands and lifting the…

Below is an excerpt of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” with a few minor edits I’ve introduced. [Socrates] And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: – Behold! human beings living…

I have not yet seen the film The Tree of Life although the title alone draws my interest. This particular sequence depicts the creation in a manner that is very similar to the creation sequence in the presentation of the…

“So many people I hear say: “Oh, if I just make it to heaven I’ll be secure,” and I always ask them, “Where was the devil when he fell?” It’s not heaven that will make you secure, my friend, it’s…