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When I was bored in middle and high school (which was very common) I would often read dictionaries, which sounds boring, but I loved discovering new words and ideas. When I was a teenager, I read and studied the entire Bible…

Is this for real? Here are two good articles about it but I’ll summarize below and add some additional details that they don’t include. Salt Lake TribuneReligion News My first reaction to seeing the photo was: “Haha, nope, try again;…

“If it hasn’t happened to you—it should.” [1] That’s what President Ezra Taft Benson had to say about the changing of the human heart and being born of God. I would argue that if this has not happened in your life, then it should rise immediately…

I have not yet seen the film The Tree of Life although the title alone draws my interest. This particular sequence depicts the creation in a manner that is very similar to the creation sequence in the presentation of the…


What is recognizable in temple theology is what we know as Christianity – Margaret Barker

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Thanks to my friend Richard Nobbe for bringing this video to my attention. It’s a bit dated in many aspects but the information is very good, and I geek out on just about anything that has to do with symbolism.

It always amazes me how we acknowledge the historical certainty of the rise and fall of nations in the past, but we don’t seem to think that the same fate is an eventuality today. Sure, men wanted to take over…

Some great vids illustrating the incredible amount of sugar intake we get from sodas! Bust out the sugar packets!