I was thinking to myself the other day that my life was reminding me of Job’s life; his life right at the beginning where he had prosperity, family, joy, etc.
I thought to myself that I was living in a golden time where all was mostly well, as much as it could be. I was in a period of ascent that had lasted for some time and I was grateful to God for it.

But the scriptures are an eye of faith for what comes next.
I was reminded of Avraham Gileadi’s observations from Isaiah:
Because re-creation occurs on every level of the ladder, God’s creation is an unbroken, cyclical process that ensures that those lower may ascend higher. The many cycles or sequences of creation going on simultaneously on different spiritual and physical planes enable those whom God has created to pass through different phases of ascent and descent.
Isaiah Explained
After pondering this ascent phase I was in for a few weeks, my family and I were hit with Covid. The kids were barely affected by it which was great but it really took a toll on my wife and I.
We’re both very healthy individuals but today is Day 15 for me and I’ve been bed-ridden. I was trying in the days before getting sick to get all the vitamins and medicines to treat it but I didn’t get them in time.
Covid dug in its heels and just wiped me out; took all my energy.
This whole time I have been thinking about descent.
I’ve thought about what I should I learn while I’m down here.
I’ve thought of some things.