Do not murmur, my son, for it is wisdom in me that I have dealt with you after this manner.
D&C 9:6
The Lord spake these words to Oliver Cowdery after explaining why his attempts to translate were unfruitful.
No doubt that Oliver felt frustrated that he was unable to translate like Joseph and had to be content with continuing as a scribe.
I can sympathize with Oliver because there have been times where I feel like I have failed at things that could have been amazing if I would have followed the instructions properly.
In this case, however, Oliver received something that few people do in these circumstances, he got an explanation. That alone is a great blessing because how often do we receive a detailed description from the Lord on the details of what caused our failures?
Although the past is unchangeable, we can learn from it and make better decisions moving forward.
We may not like how God is dealing with us at specific points in life, but we can remember the Lord’s words to Oliver and choose to trust His wisdom instead of murmuring.