I’ve posted on a variety of topics over the last 10 years such as secret combinations, the proper role of government, doctrinal essays, explorations of principles, temples, and symbolism, and many personal experiences.
Through all this thinking, pondering, and exploring I have found dark threats of evil that will soon come upon the world and are already here, but I have also found a wealth of treasure and incredible promises that the faithful will receive.
We have so many tools today that can help us know the word of God. They can be of great assistance in helping prepare us to know God if we are wise with them.
Of all the times to be alive on earth, I cannot think of a better time to be alive and raising a family.
We were all born equipped with the capacity to rise to whatever challenge faces us.
I’ve never regretted bringing kids into the world at this time.
This quote I’ve seen floating around the interwebs sums up how I feel:
Never feel sorry for raising dragon-slayers in a time when there are actual dragons.

Sure, there is bad stuff out there, but there has always been.
Will it get worse? Yes.
Will it get better? Absolutely.