Sometime around the turn of the century when I was serving as a full-time missionary, I discovered something that I’ve wanted to dive into more over the years and produce some kind of spectrum-like chart.
Well, I’m still not there and this post has been sitting as a draft since 2011 (holy cow) so I’m just going to post SOMEthing about it.
First, a quote from Joseph Smith about the Book of Mormon:
“I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”
Book of Mormon Introduction
What I came to realize is that the Book of Mormon contains a kind of secret hidden in plain sight; I currently refer to it as the “Conversion Spectrum”.
The conversion stories of the spectrum
Have you ever thought about the significance of the specific conversion accounts that Mormon chose to include in his record?
This great man of Christ chose a whole spectrum of powerful conversion stories from people at a multitude of levels in their respective personal journeys of faith.
This is important for us today to be aware of so that we might better learn from the patterns of the past to help us now.
One way that we can take advantage of this is to find someone in the Book of Mormon that is in a stage of faith similar to ourselves and see what they did to reach the next level and then the next, onward and upward until we reach the defining account of the Brother of Jared.
Now, this man was already an incredibly righteous individual and you might wonder how such a person could progress any further, but he does.
We read about his faith growing to where he could see beyond the veil and he receives the privilege of a personal appearance of Jesus Christ himself, the Second Comforter. At this point, he is considered by the Lord fully-redeemed, his calling and election made sure and is promised a place in God’s kingdom.
The fact that this story is recorded there for us is evidence that the same experience is available to all that desire it.
These stories are going to be listed in terms of those who begin their journey furthest from God in terms of their knowledge of him to the account of the Brother of Jared whose conversion leads him to receive of the Second Comforter and to stand redeemed of the Lord in the flesh.
While it isn’t possible to know exactly how much each person knew about God, I’m just going by what the text leads me to presume so the actual order is just my personal estimation; take from it what you will. It’s also possible that I left some people out, but you get the idea.
The Anti-Nephi-Lehies
Murderous enemies of the Nephites who change their ways and fully serve the Lord.
After generations of viewing the people of God as their enemies, their miraculous conversion changes their hearts to a degree that they bury their weapons of war in the earth, never to take another human life, even in their own self-defense.
So true were they to their covenants, that on one occasion when they were under attack from another group of Lamanites, they knelt upon the earth and praised God even as they were in the act being killed by their enemies.
The Lamanites that slew many of The Anti-Nephi-Lehies
A murderous mob slays many righteous people, are touched by their faith, cease killing and many repent.
It is a sad tale, but this band of Lamanites comes out to battle against the peaceful nation of their brothers the Anti-Nephi-Lehies and begins to slaughter them.
But when they see that they refuse to fight back because of their faith in God, the bloodshed stops and many of this mob come into the gospel and are converted.
Lamoni and his father
Non-believer kings who repents and bows to the true King.
Both of these kings were Lamanites and never knew Christ or his doctrines. They encountered servants of the Lord and were impressed by their loyalty and virtue.
They volunteered their entire kingdoms and all they had to know God. Their courage, humility and example led to their entire respective nations being converted to the Lord.
The wicked lawyer who recognized the truth when he saw it and was humble enough to repent.
Zeezrom was manipulating the law for his own gain and persecuting servants of the Lord. When encountering two of the Lord’s servants he strove to try and discredit them and even bribe them.
As he listened he realized the truth and was able to humble himself and sought repentance and forgiveness. He then dedicated his life to serving the Lord.
Alma the Elder
The priest of a corrupt government and church who hears a servant of the Lord and has the courage to pursue the truth.
Alma was a wicked priest of a wicked King. He participated in whoredoms and abused his authority. When a messenger sent from God came to testify of his and the rest of his associates’ wickedness, he did not listen right away, but then slowly began to realize the error of his ways and was the only person to listen to this messenger.
He wrote his words down and taught them to the people. When their city was destroyed he saved the lives of some of the people by helping them escape and became an incredibly righteous man to the end.
The man who finds his way to the church and becomes a defender of the truth.
We don’t know much about the early days of Gideon and while he never really appears to be a wicked man, he doesn’t appear to have heard or responded to Abinadi’s message or follow Alma and the people of God. However, he challenges the wicked King Noah and calls him out on his evils.
As King Noah’s kingdom begins to fall, Gideon flees with the rest of the people and later on meets up with the people of God. He is slain by the sword in an argument where he is defending his faith.
Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah
The wicked prodigal sons of a righteous King and a high priest who are brought back to the truth.
They each grew up knowing the truth, having been taught it their whole lives. They rebelled and entered a life of wickedness and went so far as to try and destroy the church. They were brought down into the depths of humility by an angel and their sins were brought to their remembrance.
Seeing their lives for what they were, they exercised faith and repented. They became some of the greatest and most effective missionaries in history.
The missionary that succumbs to temptation, commits a grievous sin but is humble enough to look for the way back.
Coriantion heeded the call to go and preach the gospel but became distracted and pursued a prostitute named Isabel. His actions were condemned sternly but lovingly by his father, Alma.
Coriantion does not rebel against his father or the Lord but proceeds to have a deep conversation with his father about the atonement. Alma takes the time to explain everything to him and Coriantion is able to find repentance and return to the ministry.
The inactive believer who comes back into full fellowship.
Amulek was a member of the church living in Ammonihah. We don’t know much about his life before his call to serve as Alma’s missionary companion.
He did not know who Alma was before he met him which leads me to think that he had been disconnected with the body of the church somehow, but we know that he was visited by an angel and brought to Alma to serve as a second witness of the truth of his message.
Amulek was a great teacher and ended up being rejected by his family and left behind all of his gold, silver and treasures to serve the Lord.
The woman who secretly practiced her faith among a wicked people.
Abish was a Lamanite woman who was converted to the Lord based on a vision that her father had. Probably not knowing where to turn she kept this faith quietly until servants of the Lord came to her people.
She recognized these men as servants of God and broke her silence by declaring to her people to come and witness the power of God. During a moment when her people were confused and afraid, she stepped forth and restored comfort to all.
The member of the church who, at long last, discovers the atonement.
Enos had been raised in the church and taught well, but although he seems to have believed and understood those words, he had not yet found the Savior and experienced a remission of his sins.
Although he seemed active in the faith, he had not yet gained a testimony on his own so he responded to his desires to know the truth by dropping what he was doing and crying out to God for answers. His pleas were heard and the Lord spoke to him and forgave him of his sins.
The family man who becomes a prophet to the people.
Lehi saw the confusion and wickedness around him and poured out his heart to God in their behalf and was answered by a vision.
Lehi saved his family and friends by evacuating his city and leaving behind all his worldly possessions to be guided to a promised land. Lehi searches the scriptures to understand God’s purpose for his children and leaves behind a powerful legacy to his posterity.
Nephi 1
A faithful young man who has all of God’s plan unfolded to him.
Nephi was a good and faithful young man who, with the rest of his family, follows his father into the wilderness. Not content to just be a follower, Nephi pours his heart out to God and receives answers to his prayers.
He then has a miraculous vision where he sees God’s entire plan from that time forth until the end of time. Nephi is faithful for the rest of his life and becomes the leader of a nation.
King Benjamin’s People
A group of good people made better through the atonement of Christ.
King Benjamin’s people already seemed obedient as evidenced by their gathering together in a vast multitude to hear him speak.
After hearing a powerful address by their king concerning the atonement of Christ, they all repent after experiencing a mighty change of heart and make a covenant with God to follow him and keep his commandments.
Nephi 3
The prophet who receives the sealing keys and is trusted by the Lord.
He was a passionate man with the gift of prophecy who called out government corruption in his day. He experiences a dramatic leap forward in his relationship with God when He speaks to him and gives him the keys to seal on earth and in heaven and is told that he will be blessed forever for his faithfulness and obedience.
Nephi 4
The keeper of the records who becomes the first apostle among the Nephites.
Nephi came from a long legacy of faithful men. He was a record-keeper and was dismayed and saddened by the wickedness of the people and the threat of genocide that was looming over the heads of the believers.
He is comforted by a revelation that Christ would be born into the world on the following day. Years later, when Christ visits the Americas, he called Nephi by name and ordains him as the first Nephite apostle.
The Brother of Jared
An man of perfect faith that sees beyond the veil to stand in the presence of Christ.
The Brother of Jared was a large yet humble man who lead his people because of his closeness to God. God would speak to him often though veiled from his presence by a cloud.
The dramatic climax of this man’s conversion came though a test of faith that enabled him to see beyond the veil and speak face to face with the premortal Jesus Christ.
He was then able to witness all of God’s creation and it was said that nothing could be withheld from his sight because of his incredible faith.
Final thoughts
While we can learn something from each of these people regardless of our particular stage of faith, I think that mapping things out like this can show how the Book of Mormon covers the wide spectrum of wherever people may find themselves in their relationship with God and realize that there is always a starting point and a way prepared for anyone willing to seek God.
And the way is prepared from the fall of man, and salvation is free.
2 Nephi 2:4
The way is prepared, and if we will look we may live forever.
Alma 37:46
Doubt not, but be believing, and begin as in times of old, and come unto the Lord with all your heart, and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling before him.
Mormon 9:27