For something new, I’m going to be posting insights from my personal notebook that I feel are not too personal to share and may be of worth to some out there. If you are new to oneClimbs, you might not have read a how-to article I posted a while back about keeping your own “Small Plates“. If you want to understand more about this practice that I’ve personally used for the past twelve years, check it out.
The primary reasons I am doing this are both to share and also to encourage this practice among any individual seeking to improve their personal revelatory insights and experiences.
- The priesthood is associated with signs; whenever ordinances are performed, signs are associated.
- Symbols guide our understanding and prepare us for experience.
- Symbols establish a framework in the mind that revelation can fill.
- Some things in life can seem as impossible to move as mountains, yet the scriptures testify that mountains are indeed movable.
- There is no full atonement without a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ. Tho know Him is to find salvation, to be a stranger to Him is to not know the atonement.
- In innocence we transgressed,
in knowledge we sinned,
in virtue we return. - The temple is not the meaning, it is the context.
- “The repenting sinner must suffer for his sins, but this suffering has a different purpose than punishment or payment. Its purpose is change.” (The Lord’s Way, 1991, Spencer W. Kimball)
Begin keeping your own “Small Plates” today!