What is salvation? What does it mean to be ‘saved’? I think if you asked a thousand people, then you would get probably a thousand different answers. Is it really that complicated, or is it really simple? Where do we go to find the answers?

At some point in life we all may have struggled with becoming distracted while we pray; our minds wander off to other topics or we don’t feel like a connection is being made. Several years ago my Institute of Religion teacher shared something with me that changed how I viewed prayer forever.

In her 2010 FAIR Conference presentation “The Two Trees”, Valerie Hudson discusses the relationship and differences between men and women in the gospel with insights into the two trees in the Garden of Eden.

Although no single comprehensive description of the Book of Mormon plates has been preserved, the Prophet Joseph Smith and several people closely associated with him made various statements that include partial descriptions of the plates. When we consider all the sources together, quite a detailed picture emerges of the physical characteristics of the ancient Nephite record.

The pride cycle is something known to Latter-day Saints through the study of the Book of Mormon. It usually consists of prosperity followed by pride, then destruction and humility in a course that seems to continually repeat itself. But are there exceptions and is this seemingly circular pattern always met with the same results?

In first Nephi chapter one verse one of the Book of Mormon, Nephi begins by saying “…therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days”. The very first verse in the Book of Mormon makes reference to record-keeping. Later on, Nephi makes two sets of records with an important distinction between the two.

The Book of Mormon and early history of the LDS Church speak of two sacred stones known as “interpreters” or a “Urim and Thummim”. What were they, what secrets were they meant to reveal and why?

I found this list of quotes years ago that includes many statements by very prominent, very intelligent people speaking of items relating to scientific advancement that will never work or never happen. It’s quite humorous, but it says a lot I think about how much we have to learn in the future.

The number 8 occurs many times in scripture under different contexts, it’s interesting to see these occurrences and think about their meaning.

We usually think of the word ‘covenant’ as simply meaning ‘a promise’ or ‘a promise between two people’, but a deeper study of the word reveals that there is much more happening when we speak of covenants and their implications.