I decided that it was time to readdress the home page of LecturesOnFaith.com, it was looking kind of homely. I’ve been wanting to spruce it up for some time now but never really got around to it.
What inspired me was attending an Elders quorum class in my previous ward where the presidency had been teaching from the Lectures on Faith for their first Sunday lesson! We were on Lecture 3 and I was just about to lose my mind at how awesome it was to get to study an entire lecture in church! Realizing that people were using this resource made me want to make it a better, more inspirational experience.
So I made a big focus area on the home page and put some of my favorite excerpts from the Lectures in there and made them rotate after several seconds. I also added big buttons that link to the Lectures and made them very prominent (I’d like to create some custom icons for each lecture one day). I adjusted the titles I gave to the Lectures so that they are more uniform in length. Now everything looks nice and neat, but I’m sure I’ll think of more updates in the future.
I love having this as a side project and hope to always keep it available for people to enjoy.

When I start looking homely, I take my weekly shower.
Well, unfortunately I can’t pour any water on the interwebs, I have a hunch that this would be bad.
Well, it all depends wherefrom the source of water springs. Are you willing to pour water from the Jordan? Or are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? May you not pour water from them?
Call me faithless, but I think pouring any water on the interwebs would be a bad idea.
Yeah, probably. :)