We talked about the Lord’s challenge in Malachi 3:10 to “prove me now herewith” in our church lesson today. Some old thoughts connected with some new ones so I thought I’d write up a post about it.
The Hebrew word used in Malachi for “prove” is bachan and means “to test (especially metals).”
This reminded me of a show my Dad likes to watch called “Forged in Fire.” I’ve got a clip from it below that you can watch after giving a little more background as to what it has to do with Malachi 3:10.
In the show, typically, three blacksmiths are given challenges to produce a version of a historical weapon. Then they meet to put their weapons to the test to prove which one can withstand the most extreme challenges.
If the blade isn’t forged correctly, it will shatter, bend, or break. The metal that endures the proving ground the best will win.
Anciently, if you needed a tool to perform under extreme pressure that bone, stone, or wood couldn’t handle, you went with metal.
The metal needed to be forged correctly to perform, or it would fail and the results could be catastrophic depending on the circumstances.
In Malachi, the Lord is comparing himself to the strongest known material and is inviting us to prove him. He wants us to put him through the test of our faith so that we can know how strong and unfailing he is.
We see this imagery used in Lehi and Nephi’s vision of the tree of life where the word of God is symbolized by iron rod that needed to be strong and unfailing so that it could lead people through mists of darkness to the love of God.

God wants us to prove him even in the most extreme circumstances, he almost dares us to. With an invitation like that, it is no wonder that Nephi could be so daring in the face of multiple seemingly insurmountable odds.
Even in one of his darkest moments following the death of his father he was able to boldly state:
“…nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted.”
2 Nephi 4:19
Moroni saw our day and spoke to those who do not believe in Christ. He explained why miracles cease and it is because they lack the primary thing that Nephi and many others were able to obtain, a knowledge of God, and furthermore, a trust in him.
…the reason why he ceaseth to do miracles among the children of men is because that they dwindle in unbelief, and depart from the right way, and know not the God in whom they should trust.
Mormon 9:20
That trust comes only by proving God, especially when it counts the most.