Whenever Nephi found himself in difficult situations, he drew upon the knowledge of what God did for others who were in similar situations. We’ll explore Nephi’s story and the similarities to Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel, (maybe Aaron, Hur, and Noah), Solomon, Isaiah, and Samuel. There are likely many others but it is a lesson to us on how we too can likely their stories to ours and find our own strength by expanding our knowledge of God and allowing him to prove himself to us today just as he did for our fathers.
- #35 – Preaching Nothing Save Repentance?
- Navigating Productive and Destructive Comfort and Discomfort
- The Mist of Darkness is a Sign
- Navajo traditions that parallel the LDS endowment
- #34 – Revisiting the Lectures on Faith
- #33 – Mormon, Alma, and the Tree of Life
- Reconstructing Faith
- Jarom demonstrates how to bring a community back to God