by Truman G. Madsen Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Reprinted by permission from By Study and Also By Faith: Essays…
Author: Steve Reed
Brad Wilcox was serving as a member of the Sunday School General Board of The Church of Jesus Christ of…
I have been having a great time digging through Avraham Gileadi’s book “The End From the Beginning” which analyzes Isaiah’s…
It always amazes me how we acknowledge the historical certainty of the rise and fall of nations in the past,…
All of the notes below are taken directly from the Temple Institute which is an organization seeking to rebuild the…
Below is a transcript of a presentation by Don Bradley on some temple-related themes that may have been present in…
The conference “Mormonism and the Temple: Examining an Ancient Religious Tradition,” which took place on October 29, 2012 in Logan,…
This Christmas I had some thoughts about the gifts that were given to the young Jesus by the wise men.…
Set aside a good 3 hours and 43 minutes for a mind-bending tour laced with unbelievable parallels that defy coincidence.…
To some of you, this article might just be the most disgusting parable that you’ve ever read, but please, bear…
First off, let’s start with the word “worry”, it actually doesn’t appear anywhere in the King James Bible. In Matthew…
In the September 2012 edition of the Latter-day Saint publication The Ensign, David Brent Marsh wrote: God foresaw our day and…
While pondering the blessings that surround us in our time, I also considered the many distractions and noise around us…
If you are familiar with the articles here at oneClimbs, you’ll probably see a “climbing” analogy from time to time.…
Occasionally I will hear the subject of “mysteries” brought up in a church class or in conversations with other church…
Did you know that Moses had to veil his face around the Israelites? Read the account is taken from Exodus…
I have been thinking about priesthood service; what it means and the principles upon which it operates. D&C 121:36 reveals…
Churches In the battle of churches, everyone is promoting their church as the gate that stands between you and your…
I’d like to expound a little on some thoughts that were expressed in an email exchange with a friend of…