An interesting correlation between a somewhat recent scientific discovery and D&C 130
Browsing: Parallels
Most people today associate the pentagram with evil, but why? The truth may cause you to see this ancient symbol in a totally new light.
The wickedness of the Nephites proved their destruction, that we know. Part of this wickedness was a dramatic shift in their policy of war, a policy that we have adopted here in our day.
I often find myself pondering the order and organization in the cosmos and in the microscopic world. Some see coincidence, some see a divine hand; here is just another person’s perspective.
It has occurred to me over the years that there is something significant about white cloth and its use in religious practices and metaphors.
Third times the charm, three strikes and you’re out, three-part harmony…three is all around us, it gives us a frame of reference and is connected to the holy and divine as it represents stability and completeness. Read about some of the most intriguing characteristics of the number three.
Matthew B. Brown wrote an article on TempleStudy comparing the general ideas behind ancient Israelite and Latter-day Saint ceremonial temple clothing. It’s a short but informative read.
What do the seven simple notes that make up the diatonic scale happen to do with the universe? Well, take a look and see for yourself, you’ll probably be as astounded as I was to learn the connection.
I’ve noticed a connection between the familiar “all-seeing-eye” symbol that adorns everything from our money, to occult and Masonic imagery and the Salt Lake Temple. All this aside, there’s another connection that I find far more fascinating.
There are several similarities between the the parable of the sower, Nephi’s vision of the tree of life and the LDS doctrine of the degrees of glory, I’d like to point out a few.
At some point in life we all may have struggled with becoming distracted while we pray; our minds wander off to other topics or we don’t feel like a connection is being made. Several years ago my Institute of Religion teacher shared something with me that changed how I viewed prayer forever.
In her 2010 FAIR Conference presentation “The Two Trees”, Valerie Hudson discusses the relationship and differences between men and women in the gospel with insights into the two trees in the Garden of Eden.
The Book of Mormon is said to be another testament of Jesus Christ. To most, the words of the book are the testament, but have you ever thought of the physical parallels?