One of the most annoying phrases I hear from my kids is “but I thought…” I don’t know where they…
The word fast in Hebrew is tsowm and comes from the word tsuwm which means “to cover the mouth.” I’ve always assumed that this…
In Alma 37, Alma the Younger describes the meaning of certain relics to his son, Helaman who is about to…
“If it hasn’t happened to you—it should.” [1] That’s what President Ezra Taft Benson had to say about the changing of the human heart and being…
“I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, but I would give my life for…
“The claim that “belief aims at truth” was first coined by Bernard Williams (1973)” link Well said.
“We are in a very real sense called to support, sustain, teach, and preach the ideal, even when our lives…
As I pondered the word meaning this morning the phrase “The Power and Paradox of Meaning” popped into my head…
“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love,…
My friend, Richard N. shared this image with me, and I thought it was fantastic. What is lacking in artistic…
Moroni chapter 10 is just excellent in many ways, but I wonder if we are too quick to gloss over…
My father asked me to put a video together for their ward to help get people into the Christmas spirit…
I was reading the words that Helaman taught to his sons, Nephi and Lehi and noticed some potential patterns. Helaman…
A few quotes have been on my mind lately. The first is from Hugh Nibley: “History is all hindsight; it…
I have been working off and on since Sept. 2015 with a particular way of analyzing Isaiah in the Book…
I was actually listening to the audio version of the Book of Mormon while mowing my lawn and Alma 28:8…
I’ve been stuck in the Lehi/Nephi vision lately, not intentionally, I just keep finding things in the vision or other accounts…
The following was written by G. at Junior Ganymede on Nov 2, 2017. After Lehi’s boys went off to Jerusalem…
I understand that there are legitimate situations where people suffer from post-traumatic stress or any other psychological issues. Then there…
“The title “renewing our baptismal covenants” is not found in the scriptures. It’s not inappropriate. Many of you have used it…
In 2 Nephi 4, commonly referred to as “Nephi’s psalm,” there is an interesting pattern and reversal that centers around…