I’ve been reading and enjoying Thomas Paine’s “Rights of Man” and pulled a few great quotes on natural and civil rights – good stuff.
I’ve noticed a connection between the familiar “all-seeing-eye” symbol that adorns everything from our money, to occult and Masonic imagery and the Salt Lake Temple. All this aside, there’s another connection that I find far more fascinating.
In 1972, a monumental project was initiated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to publish an LDS edition of the King James Bible.
We have all probably heard some variation of the idea that the constitution will one day “hang by a thread”. What is that last thread and how will we know if it has snapped or not? Here is something to consider…
This talk was always very inspiring to me and is pretty much a call to action to all LDS artists to produce greatness in the arts with the gifts of the restoration.
I’m a sucker for OOPARTs; (that’s short for “out of place artifacts”) archaeological artifacts that shouldn’t exist in a certain part of the world but do anyway. Most are frauds but there are a few that the jury seems to be still out on. The decalogue stone is one of these strange artifacts and I got to track it down and visit it.
This is an excerpt taken from the Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt in which his call to the apostleship was recorded. The charge given by Oliver Cowdery to Pratt and the twelve is nothing short of amazing and has always impressed me.
In one of my personal favorite talks on the Constitution by Ezra Taft Benson, the simple principles of truth regarding man’s freedom in these last days are outlined.
There are several similarities between the the parable of the sower, Nephi’s vision of the tree of life and the LDS doctrine of the degrees of glory, I’d like to point out a few.
This is an amazing video of the inner workings of a cell. The complexity is astounding and the people who put the video together really did a great job of showing these processes in action.
These four words—“Receive the Holy Ghost”—are not a passive pronouncement; rather, they constitute a priesthood injunction—an authoritative admonition to act and not simply to be acted upon.
A powerful excerpt from a Martin Luther King speech that is very inspiring and definitely worth sharing.
This video is a total must see to get you in the spirit of the Christmas season. Every now and then true goodness just spills out into the open and it is amazing the effect that it has.
Have you ever wondered what “charity” really is and what it means? Have you ever wondered how you can ‘get it’ and why it is so important?
To most living today the word ‘holocaust’ is not a very pleasant word. But like many words today that make up our vernacular, this word has very ancient origins that take us far beyond World War 2.
I’ve been thinking about how we refer to the sacrament as an ordinance that “renews” our baptismal covenants, but is that all there is to it or is there more? Of course there is more! The more I learn about any gospel topic or doctrine, the more I find incredible depth and richness.
There is something unique about our bodies that can give us insight into the workings of the atonement with incredible implications.
One particular verse in the Book of Mormon should be taken note of by those who believe its divine origins and those who do not.
The following quotes are from Brigham Young’s discourses originally but I got them from the Teachings of Brigham Young church manual. He makes some very profound statements on his attitudes concerning finding and accepting truth.
Guest author and headmaster of American Heritage Academy in Las Vegas, NV shares some of the history about the divine influence that brought our constitution into the world.
What is salvation? What does it mean to be ‘saved’? I think if you asked a thousand people, then you would get probably a thousand different answers. Is it really that complicated, or is it really simple? Where do we go to find the answers?