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I gave a talk today in my old ward with one of the members of our local High Counsel. I was asked to speak on fatherhood and thought I’d share the talk as a post today on oneClimbs.

The veil was one of the core elements of the Hebrew temple. It was the dividing line between this world…

You’ve probably seen QR codes around and you may or may not know what they’re for, but God uses them, well, something like them to indicate that there are truths hidden in plain sight.

Dallin H. Oaks warns: “The Lord warned the first generation of Latter-day Saints to ‘beware concerning yourselves’ (D&C 84:43). I seek to remind each of us of the mortal susceptibilities and devilish diversions that can unite to produce our spiritual downfall.”

Chances are, you have been guilty of using this phrase; I know that I have in the past. Since the phrase has never felt quite right to me, I figured I’d better do a little research and see if I can find out what the deal is.

Was Nephi justified in beheading Laban? On the surface it seems that Nephi did something terrible, but in context of the crimes Laban had committed and the Law of Moses, we will see that justice was in fact done.

Alonzo L. Gaskill, an assistant professor of Church history and doctrine at BYU, brilliantly debunks the “Seal of Melchizedek” myth while sustaining the idea that, yes, we can create our own new meanings for symbols in our day.

Exploring Doctrine and Covenants 89 and looking at what the Lord is trying to tell us and what it means for our day and time. Are we missing out on hidden wisdom because of faulty traditions and interpretations?