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“We are in a very real sense called to support, sustain, teach, and preach the ideal, even when our lives don’t match it, because that ideal is a way God protects all of His children — especially those who would…

I always forget that July 1st is the birthday of the oneClimbs blog, but I’ll remember and post one of these a few days after. A retrospective post is fun to do. Reflecting on the journey is a valuable part…

Here are several teachings from the Book of Mormon concerning salvation through Jesus Christ that Latter-day Saints and the rest of the Christian world can appreciate together.

At some point in life we all may have struggled with becoming distracted while we pray; our minds wander off to other topics or we don’t feel like a connection is being made. Several years ago my Institute of Religion teacher shared something with me that changed how I viewed prayer forever.


When you have something to say, silence is a lie. – Jordan Peterson

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This is a really interesting take for a number of reasons. I’m planning on doing a podcast about some of this and the relationship between patterns and meaning.