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There was once a craftsman who built a fine house. As the years went by it served him well until one day he noticed a crack along the ceiling. He was disappointed to see this flaw in his otherwise exemplary…
Why does my life feel like there is nothing but crap get dumped on me? “I have digged about it,… and I have dunged it; and I have stretched forth mine hand almost all the day long…” Jacob 5:47 My…
What is belief and what is faith? Where does hope enter the picture? Where does knowledge stand in relation to these principles and how does it all work together?
Meet “Peter” the Lego Friends character who also happens to be the object of the latest source of contention in the Reed household. I’m going to try my best to accurately capture a discussion that just transpired minutes before writing…
A friend of mine was interested in the symbolism of the beehive and bees, so I sent him this article. We were talking about John the Baptist and how he ate locusts and honey and what that might have meant. Then…
Video: Secrets in Plain Sight
Spices, Gnats, and Camels
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
One understands oneself to be addressed [by God] through events … A person replies through the speech of his life; he answers with his actions. Events in daily life can be interpreted as a dialogue with God. – Ian Barbour
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Sugar, Sugar, Sugar!
A fresh take on the Word of Wisdom
Short Film: Discovering the Word of Wisdom
There are two consequences in history…
There are two consequences in history: one immediate and instantaneously recognized; the other distant and unperceived at first. These consequences often contradict each other; the former come from our short-run wisdom, the latter from long-run wisdom. The providential event appears…
Rage Against the Machine via Junior Ganymede
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Why We Celebrate the United States Constitution
Let Us Have Peace by J. Reuben Clark Jr.
Source: TempleStudy.com The Interpreter Foundation has announced the availability of the videos of the presentations given at the 2014 Temple on Mount Zion Conference which took place on 25 October 2014 in Provo, Utah. Videos of each of the presentations are now…
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