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I got all the good feels when one of my daughters gave me this keychain which originally read, “Best Dad.” After a few weeks, I noticed that two letters had broken off and my keychain now implied that I was…

In Neal A. Maxwell’s 1984 general conference talk Brightness of Hope he said the following: “In the geometry of restored theology, hope has a greater circumference than faith. If faith increases, the perimeter of hope stretches correspondingly.” Elder Maxwell points…

A recent reply I shared on an online forum: Catholics are heavily immersed in ritual, so I think they “get” ritual more than most, or are at least more accustomed to it. Latter-day Saint Sabbath services and surroundings at church…

There are a lot of things that I believe are true and a lot of things that I do not believe are true. There are also things that I “know” are true like the existence of the city of Jerusalem.…


If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God – John 7:17

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