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Today at church, a young sister who will be departing on her mission soon said something close to the following: Letting your light shine will draw far more people to you than it will repel. I thought that was a…
Originally posted at TempleStudy.com What is mysticism? That is the million dollar question. It is incredibly difficult to define. Wikipedia defines it as the “pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious awareness of an ultimate reality, divinity, spiritual truth,…
I’m a big fan of dinosaurs, I mean, who isn’t? I saw this article a few days ago and it blew my mind. They found these fossilized remains of a nodosaur and they are so well preserved that it almost…
Meet “Peter” the Lego Friends character who also happens to be the object of the latest source of contention in the Reed household. I’m going to try my best to accurately capture a discussion that just transpired minutes before writing…
“If it hasn’t happened to you—it should.”
Everyone wants a miracle
Saved by Grace, Judged by Works?
Seer Stones and Mobile Phones
“Every man who lived on the earth was entitled to a seer stone, and should have one, but they are kept from them in consequence of their wickedness, and most of those who do find one make evil use of…
For love is divine, and then most divine when it loves according to needs and not according to merits. – George MacDonald
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A fresh take on the Word of Wisdom
Sugar, Sugar, Sugar!
Video: The Fluoride Deception
Let Us Have Peace by J. Reuben Clark Jr.
“I believe that moral force is far more potent than physical force in international relations…”
60 Great quotes on war
There are two consequences in history…
Persuasion vs. Force
Virtue in the people
Inspiring Thai Commercial
I love this Thai commercial that really inspires you to do good. If only we had more messages like this in the world, imagine the impact it could have.
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