Below is an excerpt of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” with a few minor edits I’ve introduced. [Socrates] And now, I…
Browsing: Wisdom of Men
A recent change in Book of Mormon introduction gives heavy support for the long suggested idea that when Lehi arrived at the promised land here in the Americas, that he was not alone. Who were these others and where did they come from?
Some claim that the United States was founded by secularists, others claim that all of the founders were Christians that founded a Christian nation. Well what does all this mean? Are both these claims just opposite extremes?
Chances are, you have been guilty of using this phrase; I know that I have in the past. Since the phrase has never felt quite right to me, I figured I’d better do a little research and see if I can find out what the deal is.
Alonzo L. Gaskill, an assistant professor of Church history and doctrine at BYU, brilliantly debunks the “Seal of Melchizedek” myth while sustaining the idea that, yes, we can create our own new meanings for symbols in our day.
I have often heard critics of the Book of Mormon make a big stink over the word “adieu” in the Book of Mormon. Was a huge error found in the Book of Mormon or are a lot of people making a mountain out of, well, thin air.
I often find myself pondering the order and organization in the cosmos and in the microscopic world. Some see coincidence, some see a divine hand; here is just another person’s perspective.
Some great vids illustrating the incredible amount of sugar intake we get from sodas! Bust out the sugar packets!
Some interesting words on the concept of time and how it affects us.
Well, it’s not technically a horoscope, but if anyone is curious about the future of any greedy, secret groups seeking to destroy any kind of government that grants liberty to the people, then here is a look at some history that they will and are repeating.
The plot seems to thicken more and more, it’s very exciting to watch it all unfold.
There’s always been a big debate around the”Fluoride” that is dumped into our water supplies. You are not supposed to ingest it; check the back of your toothpaste tube. Yet we dump it into our water supply, we drink it and bathe in it – why?
I’ve been reading and enjoying Thomas Paine’s “Rights of Man” and pulled a few great quotes on natural and civil rights – good stuff.
To most living today the word ‘holocaust’ is not a very pleasant word. But like many words today that make up our vernacular, this word has very ancient origins that take us far beyond World War 2.
One particular verse in the Book of Mormon should be taken note of by those who believe its divine origins and those who do not.
The following quotes are from Brigham Young’s discourses originally but I got them from the Teachings of Brigham Young church manual. He makes some very profound statements on his attitudes concerning finding and accepting truth.
What is salvation? What does it mean to be ‘saved’? I think if you asked a thousand people, then you would get probably a thousand different answers. Is it really that complicated, or is it really simple? Where do we go to find the answers?
I found this list of quotes years ago that includes many statements by very prominent, very intelligent people speaking of items relating to scientific advancement that will never work or never happen. It’s quite humorous, but it says a lot I think about how much we have to learn in the future.