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by Truman G. Madsen Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Reprinted by permission from By Study and Also By Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and FARMS,…

“To remember is to rescue the sacred from the vacuum of oblivion.” – The Crucible of Doubt by Terryl & Fiona Givens I would add, “so record to ensure that you can remember.” I’ve written several articles here on the…

I was thinking about the whole grace/faith/works debate that seems to endlessly rage between the faiths. Now we all technically believe in salvation by grace, or in other words, salvation is impossible without grace through the atonement of Jesus Christ.…

Junior Ganymede had a great post about Lehi’s Vision and the people pointing the fingers. The post author had been out with the missionaries and the woman they were teaching had some insights that were expounded upon, here’s a small snippet: The…


“Thus, in all its various expressions, selfishness is really self-destruction in slow motion!” – Neal A. Maxwell

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The following is reposted from JRGanymede.com The Lovely One brought up the idea that Jacob getting the birthright from Isaac by deception was a type of us and Christ. We inherit all that our father hath by assuming our older…

CLIMB, verb intransitive1. To creep up by little and little, or step by step; to mount or ascend, by means of the hands and feet; to rise on any fixed object, by seizing it with the hands and lifting the…

“One and two are considered the parents of numbers, not really numbers themselves. And they give birth to the digits three through nine, in other words, trinity to the trinity of trinities. And with that and zero you can create…

It has been my pleasure to work with Avraham Gileadi ever since 2012 when I posted about his site IsaiahExplained.com. I mentioned that as a graphic designer, I wasn’t to impressed with the look and feel but the content was…