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Whining shows what has power over us. Whining, in many ways, is the opposite of worshiping the Lord. Worship is when we glorify God for who he is and acknowledge what he has done for us, but whining is ignoring…

The pride cycle is something known to Latter-day Saints through the study of the Book of Mormon. It usually consists of prosperity followed by pride, then destruction and humility in a course that seems to continually repeat itself. But are there exceptions and is this seemingly circular pattern always met with the same results?

Imagine going through life thinking that all is well concerning your relationship with God. You feel the Spirit, you may have seen miracles, your knowledge of God has grown over the years, as has your understanding of scripture. Surely all…

“Every man who lived on the earth was entitled to a seer stone, and should have one, but they are kept from them in consequence of their wickedness, and most of those who do find one make evil use of…


“The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.” – Eric Hoffer

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Too often lawmakers resort to the force of law rather than the power of persuasion to solve a problem in society. In this brilliant essay, Mark and Jo Ann Skousen proclaim a better way…

Yes! I’m glad that someone has finally uploaded to YouTube a decent version of Bruce R. McConkie’s last testimony in General Conference. I don’t quite know the full story behind this talk, but I do know that he did, in…