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I usually wake up slowly and roll out of bed at around 7:20am…ish. My morning routine hasn’t been anything special, but today, I woke up right at 6am and was wide awake. Last night I had the idea to go…

Feel like you are too busy, and that life has grown far too complex and is unmanageable? Well Lynn G. Robbins had some great counsel recently during a broadcast to several Southwest states. The text of this talk was obtained…

It’s happened to me several times, in fact, the first 17 years of my life were lived without any real sense of the presence of God; at least that was my perception at the time. Time went on, and God did manifest…

Brad Wilcox was serving as a member of the Sunday School General Board of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as well as a BYU associate professor in the Department of Teacher Education in the David O. McKay…

Macrocosm: the harmonious order of the natural Universe. Mesocosm: the harmonious order reflected in the organization of society, in art, architecture, music, and sacred objects made by people. Microcosm: the harmonious order of the Macrocosm reflected in miniature within the…


Behold, I am Jesus Christ. I am the Father and the Son. In me shall all mankind have life – Ether 3:14

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Creator of the great site TempleStudy.com, Bryce Haymond, has started a new project called ThyMindOMan.com. I was wondering where he was for the longest time and then all of a sudden he appeared out of nowhere with this new project. It…