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The Lectures on Faith is a fantastic addition to the doctrinal knowledge base of the Latter-day Saints. They were part of the Doctrine and Covenants for almost 100 years and were separated from the canon on the grounds that they…

Neal A. Maxwell made this observation that is not only true but especially relevant for a society in downfall: As people become harder, they use softer words to describe darker deeds.Neal A. Maxwell Think about that. Where do we see…

I created LDS Symbol Cards but didn’t really do much in the way of providing instructions. I thought I’d put together a little video that explains their origins and how I use them personally. Even if you don’t have any cards,…


Faith is open to the impossible, as well as the possibility of being wrong.

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Well, it’s not technically a horoscope, but if anyone is curious about the future of any greedy, secret groups seeking to destroy any kind of government that grants liberty to the people, then here is a look at some history that they will and are repeating.

We have all probably heard some variation of the idea that the constitution will one day “hang by a thread”. What is that last thread and how will we know if it has snapped or not? Here is something to consider…