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I created LDS Symbol Cards but didn’t really do much in the way of providing instructions. I thought I’d put together a little video that explains their origins and how I use them personally. Even if you don’t have any cards,…
Did you know that Moses had to veil his face around the Israelites? Read the account is taken from Exodus 34:29-35 CEV: Moses came down from Mount Sinai, carrying the Ten Commandments. His face was shining brightly because the Lord…
Joseph Smith’s use of a seer stone was described in a trial, it was said that when he used the stone, “all intervening obstacles were removed, and that he possessed one of the attributes of Deity, an All-Seeing-Eye.” (Purple account, Joseph…
His Grace Is Sufficient
Brad Wilcox was serving as a member of the Sunday School General Board of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as well as a BYU associate professor in the Department of Teacher Education in the David O. McKay…
Repentance: the Renewal of the Mind
The Book of Mormon Really Teaches This?
The Power of Doctrine
The Shelf vs. The Garden
There is a phrase I hear repeated every now and then among members of the church. Typically when there is an issue they come across that challenges their faith, they are able to either reconcile that issue one way or…
Most Temples Have a Theme
Symbolism on my mind.
Macrocosm, Mesocosm, Microcosm
Stained Glass
One may memorize much without learning anything. In this age of speed, there seems to be little time for meditation. – Hugh B. Brown
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- New Photo of Joseph Smith Discovered? (for real this time?) 64 views
- Characteristics vs. Attributes: Demystifying Lectures 3 and 4 64 views
- Analysis of an Incredible Eve/Mary Artwork by a Roman Catholic Nun 47 views
- Joseph Smith on Truth 45 views
- What are Doctrines, Principles & Applications? 37 views
- A Professional Logo Designer’s Analysis of The Church’s New Symbol 35 views
- The Whole Book of Mormon in 15 Verses via gentlyhewstone.com 35 views
In one of my personal favorite talks on the Constitution by Ezra Taft Benson, the simple principles of truth regarding man’s freedom in these last days are outlined.
George Washington’s 1796 Farewell Address
Why We Celebrate the United States Constitution
Was 9/11 our Mormon 3:10?
Rage Against the Machine via Junior Ganymede
Until recently, I had NO idea that this was at Temple Square. It is amazing to me that there it is, right in front of the Salt Lake Temple and I’ve never seen it.
- Academy for Temple Studies
- Book of Mormon Onomasticon
- Bruce Charlton's Notions
- Hemlock Knots
- Interpreter Foundation
- Isaiah Explained
- Isaiah Explorer
- Isaiah Institute
- Isaiah Prophecy
- Junior Ganymede
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- Latter-day Saint Temples
- LDSSymbols.com
- Leading Saints
- Number in Scripture by E. W. Bullinger
- Sixty Symbols
- Spiritual Arson Podcast
- Strongs Concordance
- TempleStudy
- The Ancient Context of Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar
- Webster's 1828 Dictionary
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