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I was actually listening to the audio version of the Book of Mormon while mowing my lawn and Alma 28:8 stuck out to me: “And this is the account of Ammon and his brethren, their journeyings in the land of Nephi,their sufferings…

The Lectures on Faith is a fantastic addition to the doctrinal knowledge base of the Latter-day Saints. They were part of the Doctrine and Covenants for almost 100 years and were separated from the canon on the grounds that they…

A fun idea about how adults, youth, and kids can learn about symbolism and temples with a sketchbook and LDS Symbol Cards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uBBJmqDqjc


Desire is the fuel of faith

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It is generally agreed that the most important single function of government is to secure the rights and freedoms of individual citizens. But, what are those right? And what is their source?

This video is a total must see to get you in the spirit of the Christmas season. Every now and then true goodness just spills out into the open and it is amazing the effect that it has.