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The veil was one of the core elements of the Hebrew temple. It was the dividing line between this world and the symbolic, or from time to time, literal presence of God. There are many meanings, doctrines, principles, types and…

This Christmas I had some thoughts about the gifts that were given to the young Jesus by the wise men. I haven’t had time to really dig down deep and see what I can unearth concerning gold, frankincense and myrrh…

We usually think of the word ‘covenant’ as simply meaning ‘a promise’ or ‘a promise between two people’, but a deeper study of the word reveals that there is much more happening when we speak of covenants and their implications.

This quote brilliantly sums up a critically important key to understanding symbols. “One explanation of a symbol that has been given does not preclude someone else seeing beyond that. Symbols were intended to expand our freedom of expression and feelings, not limit…


Now is the time and the day of your salvation – Alma 34:31

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  • Sarah on Joseph Smith on Truth: “Thank you for this compilation. I especially loved that last quote. Well said.Apr 24, 13:54
  • James on Oh yeah, that’s why we’re here: “I have fallen many times in this rock road Called life yet Jesus has always been here to pick me…Apr 21, 14:54
  • Steve Reed on Have you been baptized by fire?: “Thanks for your insights, Kuzzuns. I think you and I have a shared understanding of the doctrine of Christ and…Apr 18, 07:54
  • Kuzzuns on Have you been baptized by fire?: “I agree with you that the baptism of fire & H.G. is always a sudden, distinct event like a water…Apr 17, 20:37

In the September 2012 edition of the Latter-day Saint publication The Ensign, David Brent Marsh wrote: God foresaw our day and called the Prophet Joseph Smith to bring forth the Book of Mormon to help us. Of the 239 chapters in the Book of Mormon,…

A trailer for a new movie called “Soul” dropped recently about a movie where the main character goes to a “spirit world” awaiting the “great beyond” and accidentally wanders into an area that isn’t heaven but is a kind of…