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In Jacob chapters 2-3, we encounter one of the most fervent and emotionally charged sermons in the Book of Mormon. Delivered by Jacob, the brother of Nephi, this sermon provides profound insights into the condition of his people, as he…

Junior Ganymede had a great post about Lehi’s Vision and the people pointing the fingers. The post author had been out with the missionaries and the woman they were teaching had some insights that were expounded upon, here’s a small snippet: The…

I love the story of Elisha and the servant when they were surrounded by the Aramean army. Early the next morning, when the servant of the man of God arose and went out, he saw the force with its horses…

“One and two are considered the parents of numbers, not really numbers themselves. And they give birth to the digits three through nine, in other words, trinity to the trinity of trinities. And with that and zero you can create…


“Thus, in all its various expressions, selfishness is really self-destruction in slow motion!” – Neal A. Maxwell

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It is generally agreed that the most important single function of government is to secure the rights and freedoms of individual citizens. But, what are those right? And what is their source?

We have all probably heard some variation of the idea that the constitution will one day “hang by a thread”. What is that last thread and how will we know if it has snapped or not? Here is something to consider…