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Consider that the tree of life and temple ascension are at their deepest levels tied to birth concepts and actually symbolize the placenta (tree or link between mother and child) and the umbilical cord (iron rod and covenants made by…
The was posted over at Junior Ganymede and I just loved the ideas it inspired in my mind. There are building metaphors in the scriptures and there are husbandry metaphors in the scriptures. Christ is the building block, for example, and…
I have not yet seen the film The Tree of Life although the title alone draws my interest. This particular sequence depicts the creation in a manner that is very similar to the creation sequence in the presentation of the…
Salvation: Where does one begin?
I have felt lost at various points in my life; for different reasons and in different ways. I would like to focus specifically on the question of “Where does one begin?” in the context of finding the point in which…
The following is a post created from a talk I gave in church this morning. There is an idea in thermodynamics that everything in the universe eventually moves from order to disorder. The Book of Mormon is a window into…
A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there. – Unknown
New Post Updates
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60 Great quotes on war
Here are 60 great quotes on war that are prophetically relevant to our current day and age.
The Proper Role of Government
Rage Against the Machine via Junior Ganymede
The Book of Mormon Condemns the New World Order
Has the final thread snapped?
True Security
“So many people I hear say: “Oh, if I just make it to heaven I’ll be secure,” and I always ask them, “Where was the devil when he fell?” It’s not heaven that will make you secure, my friend, it’s…
Why Change is So Hard
Video: Nature by Numbers
The Fourth Phase of Water
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- The Ancient Context of Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar
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