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I love the story of Elisha and the servant when they were surrounded by the Aramean army. Early the next morning, when the servant of the man of God arose and went out, he saw the force with its horses…
Someone shared with me recently the “Four Agreements” which is based on ancient Toltec wisdom and discussed in a book by the same name by Don Miguez Ruiz.
A friend of mine shared a video of a guy being super accurate with a sling which shows how accurate people can be with such a weapon. Then I came across a related video where some guys do some experiments…
I’d like to thank my good friend Mike King for being the catalyst that inspired this article. The Bible verses are all from the New American Standard Version just for kicks, thanks, Andrew T. There’s a verse in the Book…
“The Gospel” by Elder John M. Madsen
The Course Which They Pursue
The Greater and Lesser Arches
Cut a Covenant
A diamond sun and celestial worlds
An interesting correlation between a somewhat recent scientific discovery and D&C 130
Remembering brings the power of the past to the present
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The COVID-19 crisis has presented us with a unique opportunity to reaffirm and shore up religious freedom. We have witnessed the government’s swift, well-intentioned, but often dangerous breaching of the boundaries that protect the free exercise of religion.Do we hear…
George Washington’s 1796 Farewell Address
None Dare Call it Conspiracy
Persuasion vs. Force
Man, I’m on a video kick right now. I’ve been coming across some pretty intriguing things in the last few days. I’m starting to like this guy, Emil Ihsan-Alexander Torabi and this particular video that addresses simple, practical approaches to…
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