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A recent speaker at stake conference told a story of a person who said, “I have faith, but what if it doesn’t work?” When it comes to faith, I think that too often we are focused on the wrong thing…

There is a lot of evil in this world from low to high places and it is enough to cause great concern for many. However, the only ones that should fear are those workers of darkness who refuse to change…

These four words—“Receive the Holy Ghost”—are not a passive pronouncement; rather, they constitute a priesthood injunction—an authoritative admonition to act and not simply to be acted upon.

The following is a post created from a talk I gave in church this morning. There is an idea in thermodynamics that everything in the universe eventually moves from order to disorder. The Book of Mormon is a window into…


“A war is not won if the defeated enemy has not been turned into a friend.” – Eric Hoffer

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Please take some time to go through and read the words of this great man, George Washington. May there yet be men like this in the world to lead and inspire us.

There’s always been a big debate around the”Fluoride” that is dumped into our water supplies. You are not supposed to ingest it; check the back of your toothpaste tube. Yet we dump it into our water supply, we drink it and bathe in it – why?