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Boundaries define everything that exists. Boundaries are where chaos ends and existence begins. Boundaries tell us what something is and what it isn’t. “[Christ’s] salvation depends on his being precisely what he is and nothing else;”  Lecture 7:9 If we read…
Alma the younger had an incredible conversion experience that has parallels to Saul of Tarsus’ conversion in a couple of interesting ways. Both involved a heavenly messenger appearing while they were traveling about, and they both told slightly different versions of…
This was the best comment on the church’s new video The Christ Child which I highly recommend. The characters are speaking Aramaic, the inn situation is more historically accurate and the wise men show up at the right time! The…
The “Conversion Spectrum” in the Book of Mormon
Sometime around the turn of the century when I was serving as a full-time missionary, I discovered something that I’ve wanted to dive into more over the years and produce some kind of spectrum-like chart. Well, I’m still not there…
Repentance: the Renewal of the Mind
Receive the Holy Ghost by David A. Bednar
Cut a Covenant
Pointing Fingers and Blame-shifting
Junior Ganymede had a great post about Lehi’s Vision and the people pointing the fingers. The post author had been out with the missionaries and the woman they were teaching had some insights that were expounded upon, here’s a small snippet: The…
Belief and doubt speculate, while faith seeks to demonstrate.
New Post Updates
- New Photo of Joseph Smith Discovered? (for real this time?) 132 views
- The Whole Book of Mormon in 15 Verses via gentlyhewstone.com 126 views
- Analysis of an Incredible Eve/Mary Artwork by a Roman Catholic Nun 67 views
- Sebus, Severed Arms, and Humility Unto Salvation 54 views
- A Professional Logo Designer’s Analysis of The Church’s New Symbol 47 views
- A Proposed Reinterpretation of Jacob 2:30 47 views
- Characteristics vs. Attributes: Demystifying Lectures 3 and 4 41 views
The Book of Mormon Condemns the New World Order
Well, it’s not technically a horoscope, but if anyone is curious about the future of any greedy, secret groups seeking to destroy any kind of government that grants liberty to the people, then here is a look at some history that they will and are repeating.
George Washington’s 1796 Farewell Address
There are two consequences in history…
60 Great quotes on war
Seventy-three Percent
The first episode starts off a little clunky but we get some steam and then things get progressively more interesting as we get into the second episode. Enjoy and feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.
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