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For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an…

Freshly led out of Egypt, the children of Israel were delivered by a series of miracles that seem like they must have been incredible to witness. Camped at the base of mount Sinai, they were left alone without their leader, Moses.…

Some claim that the United States was founded by secularists, others claim that all of the founders were Christians that founded a Christian nation. Well what does all this mean? Are both these claims just opposite extremes?

Set aside a good 3 hours and 43 minutes for a mind-bending tour laced with unbelievable parallels that defy coincidence. At first, the video might seem a little conspiracy-theoryish, but give it a chance and wait for the math. You’re…


It is through the Human that we must climb up to the Divine. – George MacDonald

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In the September 2012 edition of the Latter-day Saint publication The Ensign, David Brent Marsh wrote: God foresaw our day and called the Prophet Joseph Smith to bring forth the Book of Mormon to help us. Of the 239 chapters in the Book of Mormon,…

Creator of the great site TempleStudy.com, Bryce Haymond, has started a new project called ThyMindOMan.com. I was wondering where he was for the longest time and then all of a sudden he appeared out of nowhere with this new project. It…