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I have felt lost at various points in my life; for different reasons and in different ways. I would like to focus specifically on the question of “Where does one begin?” in the context of finding the point in which…
The COVID-19 crisis has presented us with a unique opportunity to reaffirm and shore up religious freedom. We have witnessed the government’s swift, well-intentioned, but often dangerous breaching of the boundaries that protect the free exercise of religion.Do we hear…
An address on the Temple ceremony by President David O. McKay given Thursday, 25 September 1941, at 8:30am, Salt Lake Temple Annex (Manuscript in BYU Library Collections.)
“Have You Been Saved?” by Dallin H. Oaks
By Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, May 1998 What do we say when someone asks us, “Have you been saved?” This question, so common in the conversation of some Christians, can be puzzling to…
The Nephite Interpreters
Pictured above is my latest rendering of the Nephite Interpreters that were in the possession of Joseph Smith for a time. I have always wondered what these instruments must have looked like so I began by creating a few simple illustrations. Over…
“Chasing angels or fleeing demons, go to the mountains.” – Jeffrey Rasley
New Post Updates
- New Photo of Joseph Smith Discovered? (for real this time?) 73 views
- Characteristics vs. Attributes: Demystifying Lectures 3 and 4 69 views
- Analysis of an Incredible Eve/Mary Artwork by a Roman Catholic Nun 62 views
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- The “All-Seeing-Eye” Symbol and the Urim and Thummim Connection 38 views
- Joseph Smith on Truth 37 views
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Short Film: Discovering the Word of Wisdom
A fresh take on the Word of Wisdom
The Proper Role of Government
It is generally agreed that the most important single function of government is to secure the rights and freedoms of individual citizens. But, what are those right? And what is their source?
Joseph Smith on Three Truths
Interpreters and Combinations
Seventy-three Percent
Virtue in the people
Video: The Purifying Power of Gethsemane
Yes! I’m glad that someone has finally uploaded to YouTube a decent version of Bruce R. McConkie’s last testimony in General Conference. I don’t quite know the full story behind this talk, but I do know that he did, in…
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- Sixty Symbols
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- The Ancient Context of Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar
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