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This Christmas I had some thoughts about the gifts that were given to the young Jesus by the wise men. I haven’t had time to really dig down deep and see what I can unearth concerning gold, frankincense and myrrh…

The Book of Mormon and early history of the LDS Church speak of two sacred stones known as “interpreters” or a “Urim and Thummim”. What were they, what secrets were they meant to reveal and why?

This week, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints published a new gospel topic titled Becoming Like God. Personally, I thought they did a great job with this piece, hit all the right scripture verses, and explained the doctrine…


“do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again” – Luke 6:35

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The Church recently released an updated/clarified version of the temple recommend interview questions. And for the first time that I can remember, the President of the Church read them out loud over the pulpit in General Conference. It used to…

You’ve probably seen QR codes around and you may or may not know what they’re for, but God uses them, well, something like them to indicate that there are truths hidden in plain sight.

Below is an excerpt of Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” with a few minor edits I’ve introduced. [Socrates] And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: – Behold! human beings living…

To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea.James Madison