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We have all probably heard some variation of the idea that the constitution will one day “hang by a thread”. What is that last thread and how will we know if it has snapped or not? Here is something to consider…

President David O. McKay once said that he was “disappointed” when he first went through the Temple and he explains why. I think this could be helpful to any who are preparing for the temple, or who are still trying to…

Joseph Smith once said: “I am at all times willing to give up that which is wrong for I wish this people to have a virtuous leader.” This quote has always been a source of personal motivation for me, especially…


Keep my eyes open. Give things time. And re-examine my own assumptions now and then. The alternative is to not pay attention. Insist on final answers now. And never re-examine my own assumptions. Either choice on these three points has consequences in life. – Kevin Christensen

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The wickedness of the Nephites proved their destruction, that we know. Part of this wickedness was a dramatic shift in their policy of war, a policy that we have adopted here in our day.

This is the first of 6 videos that are being done for the Isaiah Institute and Avraham Gileadi. He hasn’t allowed embedding on these videos so just click the graphic below. I thought these were pretty well done and if…