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CLIMB, verb intransitive1. To creep up by little and little, or step by step; to mount or ascend, by means of the hands and feet; to rise on any fixed object, by seizing it with the hands and lifting the…

This is an excerpt taken from the Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt in which his call to the apostleship was recorded. The charge given by Oliver Cowdery to Pratt and the twelve is nothing short of amazing and has always impressed me.

“I then remarked that marriage was an institution of h[e]aven institude [instituted] in the garden of Eden, that it was necessary that it should be Solemnized by the authority of the everlasting priesthood,” (from a Joseph Smith journal entry, Nov.…

Of the seven Lectures on Faith, Lecture Sixth is perhaps my personal favorite. It is the only lecture that has this footnote: This lecture is so plain, and the facts set forth so self-evident, that it is deemed unnecessary to form a…

This Christmas I had some thoughts about the gifts that were given to the young Jesus by the wise men. I haven’t had time to really dig down deep and see what I can unearth concerning gold, frankincense and myrrh…


“in this Church you don’t have to believe anything that isn’t true…whatever is true is a part of the gospel.” – Henry Eyring

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Man, I’m on a video kick right now. I’ve been coming across some pretty intriguing things in the last few days. I’m starting to like this guy, Emil Ihsan-Alexander Torabi and this particular video that addresses simple, practical approaches to…