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Alma the younger had an incredible conversion experience that has parallels to Saul of Tarsus’ conversion in a couple of interesting ways. Both involved a heavenly messenger appearing while they were traveling about, and they both told slightly different versions of…

What testimony have men, in the first instance, that there is a God? Human testimony, and human testimony only. (2:56)What excited the ancient saints to seek diligently after a knowledge of the glory of God, his perfections and attributes? The…

President David O. McKay once said that he was “disappointed” when he first went through the Temple and he explains why. I think this could be helpful to any who are preparing for the temple, or who are still trying to…


Notice that Reorientation is a Thinking process, turning the mind, and Reconciliation is a Feeling process, turning the heart. – Kevin Christensen

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This is an amazing video of the inner workings of a cell. The complexity is astounding and the people who put the video together really did a great job of showing these processes in action.