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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMlIsazxhPU Stefan Molyneux is someone that I enjoy listening to for his perspectives on various topics. This was an interesting conversation between Stefan and Dr. Duke Pesta where they are discussing the 10 Commandments and I thought that there were…

There’s a beautiful version of the 10 commandments in Doctrine & Covenants section 59. I like to study this version from time to time whenever I feel like I need to get back to simplicity. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God…

This phrase occurs only in the Book of Mormon but it has always drawn my interest as to what it could mean. I’ve studied it for quite a while and would like to share a little of what I have found thus far.

Of the seven Lectures on Faith, Lecture Sixth is perhaps my personal favorite. It is the only lecture that has this footnote: This lecture is so plain, and the facts set forth so self-evident, that it is deemed unnecessary to form a…

There is a lot of repetition in religious life from rituals to ordinances, practices, and even scripture reading. Let’s take scriptures as an example and I’ll let you think about how the metaphor applies to other things. First, imagine you…


“Focus upon asking the right questions”  – David A. Bednar

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Guest author and headmaster of American Heritage Academy in Las Vegas, NV shares some of the history about the divine influence that brought our constitution into the world.

Watch the whole thing until the end; this is really powerful stuff. There are several other videos that are really amazing and worth watching because some really great life lessons are taught in a simple way. I just wish we…