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Sometimes I have to laugh at people when they avoid Coca Cola like the plague because of “caffeine” and it’s “addictive qualities” and then chug liters of diet, caffeine free soda. As for me, I’ll stick to water.

Just some thoughts on the following verses from Lecture 1. (Lectures on Faith) 18 The Savior says, (Matthew 17:19-20), in explaining the reason why the disciples could not cast out the devil, that it was because of their unbelief: “For…

Well, I guess this is “brother-in-law” day today at oneClimbs! I owe this post to Brad who emailed this to me a few hours ago, and I also posted The Enchiridion by Epictetus from my other brother-in-law. I’ve seen the older version…

Third times the charm, three strikes and you’re out, three-part harmony…three is all around us, it gives us a frame of reference and is connected to the holy and divine as it represents stability and completeness. Read about some of the most intriguing characteristics of the number three.


“Have ye been spiritually born of God?” – Alma 5:14

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Guest author and headmaster of American Heritage Academy in Las Vegas, NV shares some of the history about the divine influence that brought our constitution into the world.

This video is a total must see to get you in the spirit of the Christmas season. Every now and then true goodness just spills out into the open and it is amazing the effect that it has.