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“One and two are considered the parents of numbers, not really numbers themselves. And they give birth to the digits three through nine, in other words, trinity to the trinity of trinities. And with that and zero you can create…
The following article is from TempleStudy.com Professor William J. Hamblin has offered some good starting points in considering the relationship between the ancient Israelite temple ritual and the modern day LDS temple endowment.  It is from this vantage point that we should…
I loved this quote from Jeffery Bradshaw’s talk at the 2014 Temple on Mount Zion Conference. I’ve been trying to find a way of saying the same thing, but now I can just quote someone who hit the nail on…
The Power of Doctrine
In his book Increase in Learning, Elder Bednar teaches that principles arise from doctrines. If we take any principle of the gospel such as faith, repentance, obedience, etc and ask the question, “Why is this necessary?” the answer will always…
Micro, Meso, Macro in Scripture Study
One of the things that I enjoy most about God is how he works in patterns; everything is ultimately connected and part of one eternal round. You have the macrocosmos, the universe and everything within it and then the microcosmos…
Wisdom is not just an accumulation of knowledge, but a state of being. – Michael S. Schneider
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- New Photo of Joseph Smith Discovered? (for real this time?) 91 views
- A Proposed Reinterpretation of Jacob 2:30 58 views
- Characteristics vs. Attributes: Demystifying Lectures 3 and 4 53 views
- The Whole Book of Mormon in 15 Verses via gentlyhewstone.com 51 views
- Analysis of an Incredible Eve/Mary Artwork by a Roman Catholic Nun 47 views
- A Professional Logo Designer’s Analysis of The Church’s New Symbol 44 views
- The original order of books on the gold plates 43 views
Contention must be avoided at all costs. The entire media industry exists off of creating and distributing stories that stir people up into contention for the sole purpose of selling advertising or getting gain. They are like Zeezrom and the…
Was 9/11 our Mormon 3:10?
60 Great quotes on war
Virtue in the people
Has the final thread snapped?
None Dare Call it Conspiracy
Ezra Taft Benson in this 6 April 1972 conference address says its not a conspiracy theory, but a conspiracy fact. He also endorses the book None Dare Call It Conspiracy, by Gary Allen.
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