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I would like to present the first oneClimbs recipe! I’m not a professional cook, but I love to cook and love to eat. I try to cook meals that reflect the principles found in the Word of Wisdom, so everything I…

Too often lawmakers resort to the force of law rather than the power of persuasion to solve a problem in society. In this brilliant essay, Mark and Jo Ann Skousen proclaim a better way…

Every single one of us, right at this minute, believes things that are wrong. There is an idea that you cherish, some way of seeing the world that seems so clear to you, but it is wrong, or at best,…

There are a lot of things that I believe are true and a lot of things that I do not believe are true. There are also things that I “know” are true like the existence of the city of Jerusalem.…

For those who have seen the original Karate Kid movie you’re probably familiar with the famous “wax on, wax off” lesson that Mr. Miyagi taught Daniel. I like the updated version of this lesson presented in the new Karate Kid movie…


Respect the old when you are young. Help the weak when you are strong. Forgive the fault when you are right. Because, one day in life you’ll be old, weak, and wrong. – Unknown

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Guest author and headmaster of American Heritage Academy in Las Vegas, NV shares some of the history about the divine influence that brought our constitution into the world.