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In 1972, a monumental project was initiated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to publish an LDS edition of the King James Bible.

I attended a nice baptism the other day. A woman was baptized by her husband who had grown up LDS but drifted away for many years and had just returned to full activity. The next day she was confirmed during…

There was a conference that went on recently that my brother-in-law brought back to my attention called New Perspectives on Joseph Smith and Translation (His in-law are co-founders of FaithMatters.org). I was interested to hear what this panel of speakers had…

What is salvation? What does it mean to be ‘saved’? I think if you asked a thousand people, then you would get probably a thousand different answers. Is it really that complicated, or is it really simple? Where do we go to find the answers?

I was looking at this picture of the Salt Lake Temple the other day and had a thought. Typically, the “all-seeing eye” of God is depicted within a triangle and not an oval. This version also has a veil-like curtain…


One understands oneself to be addressed [by God] through events … A person replies through the speech of his life; he answers with his actions. Events in daily life can be interpreted as a dialogue with God. – Ian Barbour

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  • Sarah on Joseph Smith on Truth: “Thank you for this compilation. I especially loved that last quote. Well said.Apr 24, 13:54
  • James on Oh yeah, that’s why we’re here: “I have fallen many times in this rock road Called life yet Jesus has always been here to pick me…Apr 21, 14:54
  • Steve Reed on Have you been baptized by fire?: “Thanks for your insights, Kuzzuns. I think you and I have a shared understanding of the doctrine of Christ and…Apr 18, 07:54
  • Kuzzuns on Have you been baptized by fire?: “I agree with you that the baptism of fire & H.G. is always a sudden, distinct event like a water…Apr 17, 20:37

It is generally agreed that the most important single function of government is to secure the rights and freedoms of individual citizens. But, what are those right? And what is their source?

Some great vids illustrating the incredible amount of sugar intake we get from sodas! Bust out the sugar packets!