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Moroni chapter 10 is just excellent in many ways, but I wonder if we are too quick to gloss over some important points. We love Moroni 10:3-5 and even call it “Moroni’s promise,” and indeed it is a kind of…
There are 3 things that Jesus taught that enable one to build upon what he called his “rock.” Building upon his rock is critical to find safety from the floods and winds that cause one to fall and be received into…
I just completed and published a 6×9″ 94-page hardcover version of the Lectures on Faith which I think is the nicest-looking edition ever made! While you can always access this version for free at LecturesOnFaith.com, this version was created especially…
Saved by Grace, Judged by Works?
I was thinking about the whole grace/faith/works debate that seems to endlessly rage between the faiths. Now we all technically believe in salvation by grace, or in other words, salvation is impossible without grace through the atonement of Jesus Christ.…
How are we “Saved”?
His Grace Is Sufficient
Eyes to See
The “Conversion Spectrum” in the Book of Mormon
Do Latter-day Saints Need a Symbol?
I came across an interesting paragraph on the blog “Dave’s Mormon Inquiry” about symbols, the meanings that are attached to them and if Latter-day Saints should have a symbol representative of their faith.
Looking forward without your eyes
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
C.S. Lewis on Symbolism
The simplest questions can bring about the greatest revelations
New Post Updates
- New Photo of Joseph Smith Discovered? (for real this time?) 162 views
- The Whole Book of Mormon in 15 Verses via gentlyhewstone.com 130 views
- Analysis of an Incredible Eve/Mary Artwork by a Roman Catholic Nun 74 views
- A Professional Logo Designer’s Analysis of The Church’s New Symbol 70 views
- A Proposed Reinterpretation of Jacob 2:30 55 views
- Characteristics vs. Attributes: Demystifying Lectures 3 and 4 53 views
- Sebus, Severed Arms, and Humility Unto Salvation 48 views
The Motto of the Church of Latter-day Saints
The Constitution of our country formed by the Fathers of liberty. Peace and good order in society. Love to God, and good will to man. All good and wholesome laws, virtue and truth above all things, and aristarchy, live forever!…
There are two consequences in history…
Ravening Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
Let Us Have Peace by J. Reuben Clark Jr.
I love symbols, and I love spirals and how they are used in architectural symbolism. The following videos are not about architectural symbolism, but the principles that are presented are worthy of consideration on a whole myriad of levels. Vi Hart, the…
YHWH Video
Sugar, Sugar, Sugar!
Tutorial on How to Use LDS Symbol Cards
Jordan Peterson on Nihilism and Patterns
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- Number in Scripture by E. W. Bullinger
- Sixty Symbols
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- The Ancient Context of Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar
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