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My feelings about the Church’s new Come Follow Me plan for families has been a little mixed. I’ve gone back and forth about it but have been willing to give it a shot and see what happens. Initially, I felt like…

If you look up repentance in a Webster’s 1828 Dictionary (the fifth “standard work”): 2. In theology, the pain, regret or affliction which a person feels on account of his past conduct, because it exposes him to punishment. This sorrow…

I love the story of Elisha and the servant when they were surrounded by the Aramean army. Early the next morning, when the servant of the man of God arose and went out, he saw the force with its horses…

The following image was sent to me by a oneClimbs reader. The request was to help interpret the symbols on her ward meetinghouse steeple. I decided to reply to her in the form of a full post since the information…


Thinking that neglects feeling demonstrates ignorance; feeling that takes no thought has no heart.  – Kevin Christensen

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Ezra Taft Benson in this 6 April 1972 conference address says its not a conspiracy theory, but a conspiracy fact. He also endorses the book None Dare Call It Conspiracy, by Gary Allen.

Awesome Mormon Messages video. I’m constantly impressed with the fantastic media put out by the church nowadays. I really enjoy these short videos with really powerful and touching messages and how they touch on very rich subjects in such abstract…