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Can you have truth without sacrifice? Can you have empathy without sacrifice? Can you have happiness without sacrifice? Can you have love without sacrifice?

Two of my favorite gospel study tools are the Websters 1828 Dictionary and a Strong’s Concordance. Back before I had a smartphone I used to use website versions of these tools that you can still access under the tools menu…

There is truly opposition in all things isn’t there? Name absolutely anything and *poof* there will be someone with a reason for opposing it. Where there is an object and visible light, there will be a shadow. It’s all good though, that’s…

The word repentance may stir a variety of thoughts and feelings within our minds; fear or relief, perhaps terror or joy. It is all about learning to see differently and receiving a change of mind.

What do the seven simple notes that make up the diatonic scale happen to do with the universe? Well, take a look and see for yourself, you’ll probably be as astounded as I was to learn the connection.


Now is the time and the day of your salvation – Alma 34:31

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Above is a window at the London School of Economics, it was commissioned by Bernard Shaw in 1910 in reference to the Fabian Society. This was an organization created in the 1800s to subvert the existing order and create a…

Set aside a good 3 hours and 43 minutes for a mind-bending tour laced with unbelievable parallels that defy coincidence. At first, the video might seem a little conspiracy-theoryish, but give it a chance and wait for the math. You’re…