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There are so many levels that this subject can be explored on but I will only be addressing the few that I think are the most interesting at the moment. The drama begins when a particular article was published in…

It’s happened to me several times, in fact, the first 17 years of my life were lived without any real sense of the presence of God; at least that was my perception at the time. Time went on, and God did manifest…

Did you know that the Books of the New Testament are not arranged in chronological order? Hey, you would be surprised how many people don’t know that. Either way, I think you’ll enjoy this insert to help you get everything all straightened out.

A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe is probably one of my favorite books in the whole wide world. Is it the be-all, end-all, of all things ever? Nope. So what’s the big deal about it? It is a “switch-flipper”…


Keep my eyes open. Give things time. And re-examine my own assumptions now and then. The alternative is to not pay attention. Insist on final answers now. And never re-examine my own assumptions. Either choice on these three points has consequences in life. – Kevin Christensen

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I love this Thai commercial that really inspires you to do good. If only we had more messages like this in the world, imagine the impact it could have.